International People’s Health University

The International People’s Health University (IPHU) aims to contribute to ‘health for all’ by strengthening people’s health movements around the globe, by organising and resourcing learning, sharing and planning opportunities for people’s health activists, particularly from Third World countries. IPHU is a program of the People’s Health Movement, globally.
- organises short course opportunities for health activists from around the world but particularly from Third World countries;
- presents a range of learning opportunities; a growing collection of resource materials; and a wider network of resource people to progressively enhance its programs;
- sponsors research into the barriers to Health for All and strategies to support the people’s struggle for health.
Confronting Capitalism and Imperialism in the Struggle for Health - of People and Planet: Discussion Resource for International People’s Health University
Confrontando al capitalismo y al imperialismo en la lucha por la salud de las personas y el planeta
Confrontation du capitalisme et del'impérialisme dans la lutte pour la santé - des personnes et de la planète
East Asia and Pacific region of PHM invites interest for IPHU course & Regional Health Assembly for health activists
IPHU Course in Colombia kicks off
Latin America Open Call for applications: online course of the International People's Health University of the PHM for young health activists
Applications open: East and Asia Pacific Region online IPHU on Democratising Global Health Governance
PHM Europe: Invitation to apply for IPHU on Global Health Governance: How Grassroots Mobilisation and Advocacy can Contribute to Democratising Global Health Governance
East and South Africa IPHU Online course on Democratising Global Health Governance
“Struggle for Health”: IPHU Nairobi
The IPHU Nairobi 2023 short course on “Action for Equitable Health Systems – Advancing universal comprehensive primary health care in pandemic times” organized...
IPHU Course in Thessaloniki, Greece
PHM Europe, the IPHU, and the organizing committee of International Association of Health Policy Europe (IAHPE) held a course on the struggle for health for young activists in Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-24 September, 2023...
IPHU Savar November 2018
The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho presented “THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH”; a short training course for young health activists from 6 to 13 November in Savar, Bangladesh.
This course was held in the lead up to the 4th People’s Health Assembly which was held at Gonoshasthaya Kendra from 15-19 December.
The Resources Page developed during the IPHU includes an overview of the program, downloads of presentations, and photographs from the course.
IPHU Cape Town November 2019
The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM), jointly with PHM-South Africa and the Third World Network, announces “THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH AND ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE MEDICINES”, a short training course for young public health professionals including health activists from 2-9th November (excluding travel dates) in Cape Town, South Africa.