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International People’s Health University


La Universidad Internacional por la Salud de los Pueblos IUISP (IPHU por sus siglas en inglés) tiene como objetivo contribuir a la «salud para todos» mediante el fortalecimiento de los movimientos por la salud de los pueblos en todo el mundo, organizando y dotando de recursos oportunidades de aprendizaje, intercambio y planificación para los activistas por la salud de los pueblos, especialmente de los países del Tercer Mundo. La UISP es un programa del Movimiento para la Salud de los Pueblos, a escala mundial.


  • organiza cursos de corta duración para activistas de la salud de todo el mundo, pero especialmente de países del sur global;
  • presenta una gama de oportunidades de aprendizaje; una creciente colección de materiales de recursos; y una red más amplia de personas de recursos para mejorar progresivamente sus programas;
  • patrocina la investigación sobre los obstáculos a la Salud para Todos y las estrategias de apoyo a la lucha popular por la salud.


Frente al capitalismo y al imperialismo en la lucha por la salud - de las personas y del planeta:  Recurso de debate para la Universidad Internacional por la Salud de los Pueblos

Confronting Capitalism and Imperialism in the Struggle for Health - of People and Planet:  Discussion Resource for International People’s Health University




Group photo of Thailand IPHU held in 2022

Inscripciones abiertas: IPHU en línea de la Región Este y Asia-Pacífico sobre Democratización de la Gobernanza Global en Salud 




Invitation IPHU EU on GHGMSP Europa: Invitación a participar en la UISP sobre Gobernanza Global en Salud: Cómo la movilización de base y la defensa pueden contribuir a democratizar la gobernanza global en salud 






Curso de la UISP en línea sobre Democratización de la Gobernanza Global en Salud para África Oriental y Meridional



Terrirtorio ancestral de la Sirra Nevada de Santa Marta

Curso de la UISP en Salud para y con los Pueblos Indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta en Colombia



IPHU Nairobi, Kenya

“Struggle for Health”: IPHU Nairobi

  The IPHU Nairobi 2023 short course on “Action for Equitable Health Systems – Advancing universal comprehensive primary health care in pandemic times” organized...





IPHU Course, Thessaloniki, Greece

International People’s Health University Course on Health Systems in Thailand


The International Peoples Health University Short Course on Health Systems was held online from November 21st to December 1st 2022 and on-site from 6th to 11th December, 2022  at Bangkok, … Read more



Call For Applications: International People’s Health University (IPHU) Course of PHM


PHM is happy to announce that the Equitable Health Systems Thematic Circle of People’s Health Movement (PHM), along with PHM South Asia and PHM South East Asia Pacific Regions, is … Read more



(EN/AR) Short Course on Struggle for Health for MENA region in Lebanon


The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the PHM is organising a short training course “The Struggle for Health” for young health activists. The course is being organised jointly with … Read more



Call for Applications: Online Course on “The Struggle for Health and Access to COVID-19 Medical Products


IPHU A2M: Advanced Course (Online only) The Struggle for Health and Access to COVID-19 Medical Products People’s Health Movement and Third World Network (APPLY HERE) Online Course Announcement: The Struggle … Read more



Online Short Course on Gender, Justice and Health — Oct 29 October to 20 November, 2021


The Gender, Justice and Health Thematic Group of PHM, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, and Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) are jointly organising an Online Short … Read more



Call for Applications | Online course on “The Struggle for Health and Access to Covid-19 Medical Products”


Three-week course starting from December 1, 2021 The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM) and the Third World Network, announces “THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH AND … Read more



Call for Applications | International People’s Health University- Online Short Course on Gender, Justice & Health 


International People’s Health University Online Short Course  on Gender, Justice & Health 29 October– 20 November 2021  (29 & 30 October | 6 November | 12 & 13 November | … Read more



IPHU A2M refresher/add on course on COVID-19 (2)

IPHU A2M refresher/add on course on COVID-19 (2) ... Read more


IPHU Savar November 2018

The International People’s Health University of the People’s Health Movement jointly with Gonoshasthaya Kendra, PHM Bangladesh, Third World Network  and SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health with Naripokkho presented “THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH”; a short training course for young health activists from 6 to 13 November in Savar, Bangladesh.

This course was held in the lead up to the 4th People’s Health Assembly which was held at Gonoshasthaya Kendra from 15-19 December.

The Resources Page developed during the IPHU includes an overview of the program, downloads of presentations, and photographs from the course.

IPHU Cape Town November 2019

The International People’s Health University (IPHU) of the People’s Health Movement (PHM), jointly with PHM-South Africa and the Third World Network, announces “THE STRUGGLE FOR HEALTH AND ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE MEDICINES”, a short training course for young public health professionals including health activists from 2-9th November (excluding travel dates) in Cape Town, South Africa.