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PHA5 LATAM Launching event

PHA5 launching event for Latin America

Peoples marching in diversity, fists raised, in the midst of a humanitarian crisis and profound discussions on the right to health around the world, the People's Health Movement (PHM) together with affiliated networks and popular and community organizations in Argentina launched the 5th People's Health Assembly (PHA5) for Latin America, Mar del Plata 2024, in the framework of the closing of the 33rd National and Latin American Meeting of Laicrimpo Health "We are the dream, the ancestral echo, the mother earth that we embrace" Trenque Lauquen, Argentina this Sunday, November 5, 2023.

The event counted with the participation of Carmen Baez and Hani Serag from the Global PHM and Co-Organizers of the PHA5, as well as Roman Vega, Global Coordinator of the PHM, also a video was presented in which members of the PHM Latin America talk about the concept of "Buen Vivir".

This is how the event went:


The People's Health Assembly (PHA) is a global gathering of health activists and organizations committed to the promotion of health as a fundamental human right. The first PHA was held in 2000 in Savar (Bangladesh). It was subsequently held in Cuenca (Ecuador) in 2005, Cape Town (South Africa) in 2013, and Dhaka (Bangladesh) in 2018. The 5th People's Health Assembly will be held in Mar del Plata, Argentina from April 7-11, 2024 and will be attended by nearly 2000 people, including 700 from different parts of the world.

The People's Health Movement is a global movement, present in more than 70 countries, which brings together activists, movements and organizations fighting for the right to health around the world.

The PHA5 aims to build solidarity and resistance against the interconnected factors that undermine the right to health. The Assembly provides an opportunity to build capacity for action, critical analysis and research for social mobilizations and progressive campaigns. It fosters collective action and solidarity by working together with other rights-affirming social movements and regional PHM circles. ASP5 offers an opportunity to understand the political economy of health, amplify voices and build global solidarity.

The thematic axes of the 5th People's Health Assembly are:

  • Towards the transformation of health systems
  • Gender justice in health
  • Ecosystems health: food, energy, climate
  • Resisting forced migration and war
  • Ancestral and popular knowledge and practices



The PHA5 is Underway: Click here and find all you need to know.