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Promoting Ancestral Knowledge and Practices

A Mapuche family is uprooted from their ancestral land by a nexus of political power and private industry.

One night, a Mapuche man is killed by hired agitators. His daughter Lucia, her mother and the entire community are forced off their land. Displaced, they migrate to a poor neighbourhood of Mar del Plata where Lucia attends school while her mother sells baskets at a local market.

Lucia—like many displaced Mapuche—grows up in an urban landscape devoid of cultural and community connections and values. She feels lost, disconnected from her roots, and marginalized.

PHM Comics: Promoting Ancestral Knowledge and Practices

A Mapuche family is uprooted from their ancestral land by a nexus of political power and private industry.

Mobilizing for Health Justice: Global Health Watch 7

Since its first edition in 2005, Global Health Watch (GHW) – the flagship publication of the People’s Healt