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GHW Podcast Episode 4: Peace and Health

The fourth episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Roman Gnagi and Catia Confortini, members of Medact, a UK-based organization affiliated with PHM and co-producer of the Global Health Watch series. Together with other Medact members, they wrote a chapter in Global Health Watch 6 analyzing the relations between war, conflict, peace, and health, and the impact of Covid-19 in countries affected by conflict.   

GHW Podcast Episode 3: Gendered inequities during COVID-19 times: a view from the Global South

The third episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Sarojini Nadimpally, coordinator for Health for All Campaign of the People’s Health Movement and a founder of SAMA Resource Group for Women and Health, an India based women’s organisation. Together with Neelanjana Das, Aakriti  Pasricha and Adsa Fatima – fellow members of SAMA,  Sarojini co- authored a chapter in Global Health Watch 6 analyzing the gendered impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on South Asia.

GHW Podcast Episode 2: Development model, extractivism, and environment: knitting resistances globally

The second episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Amulya Nidhi, national Co-convenor at PHM India and a member of the PHM Steering Council and the PHM thematic circle on environment and ecosystem health. The circle collectively wrote a chapter in Global Health Watch 6 knitting together experiences of environmental devastation and people’s resistance worldwide.   

GHW Podcast Episode 1. From pre-pandemic pathologies to post-pandemic hopefulness -

Featuring Ronald Labonté, a global health expert and co-editor of GHW6, this episode explores the global political and economic architecture and its structural role in shaping health determinants worldwide. It also analyzes the (unequal) impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and sheds light on the possible routes for a healthier, more just and more sustainable world. 


GHW Podcast

Welcome to the GHW Podcast, an audio show dedicated to PHM’s flagship publication “Global Health Watch 6: In the shadow of the pandemic” (GHW6). As a way to spread the analysis and the experiences of struggle reported in the book. The GHW podcast is available for free on iVoox and in all four PHM languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic).