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Safe Abortion Campaign

28 September: International Safe Abortion Day

In 2023 or safe abortion campaign enphasized on our demand for 'Access to safe, quality, and legal abortion' and strengthen global solidarity on feminist and public movements. As PHM, we stand affirm in speaking out for the Abortion rights of ALL young girls, women, and gender non-binary persons. As ardent supporters of reproductive justice, we reiterate that abortion is healthcare and equitable access to safe, legal, and healthcare system-provided abortion must not be compromised under any circumstances.

The campaign messages focused on Access to abortion is an essential healthcare service that should be made available to anyone who needs it worldwide; strengthening public health systems to ensure marginalized women and non-binary individuals have improved access to abortion care; Abortion should be a right for all, not a privilege for a few, and reproductive justice is a critical component of health justice; To work towards reproductive justice for everyone by decriminalizing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and removing stigmas surrounding the bodily autonomy and integrity of women and non-binary individuals. 
Let's make SRHR central and essential to universal health coverage.


Also read:

Dr. Caitlin Bernard is a renowned American obstetrician and gynecologist, a sexual and reproductive rights advocate, she had suffered judicial harassment for her practice.


Dr. Helena Paro and the struggle for safe abortion in Brazil


On International Safe Abortion Day, women demand access to abortion through strong public health systems


Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationally in landmark ruling

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