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Global Health Governance


PHM follows closely the work of WHO, both through the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board. A team of PHM volunteers attends WHO bodies’ meetings – following the debate, talking with delegates and making statements to the EB. PHM’s commentaries cover most of the agenda items of the WHO bodies’ meetings and includes a note on the key issues in focus at them, a brief background and critical commentary. Reports on key issues are also prepared. PHM is part of a wider network of organizations committed to democratizing global health governance and working through the WHO-Watch project.

For more information, you can contact:

Lauren Paremoer, Steering Council representative of PHM’s Global Health Governance Program: [email protected]  or Anneleen De Keukelaere, Coordinator of GHG programme: [email protected]


PHM has planned a series of International Public Health University (IPHUs) on Global Health Governance which are to be led by different PHM regions. The planned online GHG IPHU is proposed as a strategy to strengthen the articulation between our global and our local activism and to deepen and broaden our understanding of GHG, encompassing the political economy of capitalism and imperialism and the geopolitics of intergovernmental relations as well as the workings of WHO. See summar of the information below: 


PHM Europe: Invitation to apply - deadline 21 September 2024

PHM East and Southern Africa - Invitation to apply - deadline 4 September 2024

PHM East and Asia Pacific - Invitation to apply - deadline 24 September - 2024

RESOURCES (link to folder with calendar , readings and zoom links)

PHM Europe

PHM East and Southern Africa - Click here

PHM East and South Asia Pacific - Click here



In this webinar three speakers focus on mapping the ongoing pushback against women’s rights at the WHO, the contradictory effects of recognising women’s SRHR as part in the Cairo Declaration on Population and Development, and the imagination of how women’s rights should be defended and advance in a multilateral system of the future.

·      Date: 25 September 2024

·      Time: 11 UTC 

·      Registration


·      ⁠⁠Nicoletta Dentico (SID and G2H2, Italy)

·      Adsa Fatima (PHM Gender Justice &Health thematic group coordinator)

·      Natalia Echegoyemberry (PHM Argentina)

Key Insights and Discussions from WHA77: Democratising Global Health Governance Perspective

During this webinar, WHO watchers give feedback about the main decision and resolutions of the WHA77


Main decision and resolutions extracted from the resolutions passed at the WHA77

While these resolutions are non-binding, they may include useful entry points for activists hoping to engage governments or regional organisations as they prepare for the EB next year, or implement national policies related to the resolutions. The PHM selected resolutions that might be of interest to health activists are HERE and the full list of resolutions is HERE

Presentations: Gender - Universal Health Coverage - Palestine - Investment Round - IHR amendments - INB - AMR - Economics of HFS and SDH


Check out WHA77 Daily Briefs developed by the WHO Watchers highlighting the discussions of each day.


  • Daily Brief Monday 27 May 2024: ENG - ESP - FR
  • Daily Brief Tuesday 28 May 2024: ENG - ESP - FR 
  • Daily Brief Wednesday 29 May 2024: ENG - ESP - FR (translated into FR and ESP with
  • Daily Brief Thursday 30 May 2024: ENG - ESP FR (translated into FR and ESP with
  • Day 5 Daily Brief: Friday 31 May 2023 ENG


  • WHA77 PHM Policy Brief: ENG - ESP -  FR   (translated with


WHO watchers write statements together with global health activists and read them out on the floor at the WHA77. 

PHM Statement on Health Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. ENGLISH

All WHA77 Watch statements below are delivered in cooperation with Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All.

Statement on Agenda Item 11.1: Universal Health Coverage

Statement on Agenda Item 13.3: Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Statement on Agenda item 13.4: International Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Statement on Agenda item 14.1: WHO's work on Health Emergencies, Health Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Statement on Agenda item 15.1: Social Determinants of Health, Agenda item 15.2: Maternal, Infant and Child Health, Agenda item 15.3: Well-being and Health Promotion, Agenda item 15.5: Economics and Health For All

Statement on Agenda item 15.4: Climate Change, Pollution and Health

Statement on Agenda item 28: Updates and Future reporting: Strengthening Integrated, People's-Centered Health Services

Statement on Agenda item 29: Matters for Information: progress reports (items A to O) - FOCUS ON GENDER




What is happening at the 77th World Health Assembly- 2024? And an Introduction to the WHO Tracker




PHM at 77th World Health Assembly, May 2024

This May PHM gathers in Geneva to attend the WHO Watch, a PHM programme which closely follows the two annual meetings at the World Health Organization - the Executive Board meeting which takes place in January-February, and the World Health Assembly held in May. The WHO watch is part of a process towards democratising global health governance. 

This WHA77 Watching team consists of, Indrachapa Ruberu (Sri Lanka), Raquel Rachid (Brasil), Navamohana Krishna (India), Paula Mae Tanquieng  (Philippines), Aletha Wallace (Belgium), Rajnia da Vito (Brasil), Allessandara Tisi (Switserland), Mariana Lopes Simoes (Argentina/Germany), Juliette Claudine Mattijsen (Netherlands),; Ben Verboom (UK/Canada),. The team is assisted by Lauren Paremoer, Dian Maria Blandina and Anneleen De Keukelaere (online)

 WHA77 Document and Commentary Tracker


Keep track of the discussions, documents, commentaries and the agenda of the 77th World Health Assembly WHA77 on the PHM's WHO Tracker. EN-ES-FR-AR



The People's Health Movement -PHM- will participate in the United Nations 78th General Assembly Meeting, which will be held from 20th to 22nd September in New York this year. PHM will set its position at UNGA78 in three of the health related agenda items: Universal Health Coverage -UHC-; Tuberculosis -TB-  and Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR).

Follow the proceedings of WHO governing body meetings on (past and current) WHO Tracker


More on the Global Health Governace

PHM at the UNGA78PHM position on health issues in the (2023) 78th UN General Assembly 

 The People's Health Movement -PHM- participated in the United Nations 78th General Assembly Meeting, which will be held from 20th to 22nd September in New York this year. PHM will set its position at UNGA78 in three of the health related agenda items: Universal Health Coverage -UHC-; Tuberculosis -TB-  and Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR).

PHM at 76th World Health Assembly 2023

The People's Health Movement’s WHO Watch programme closely follows two annual meetings at the World Health Organization - the Executive Board meeting which takes place in January-February, and the World Health Assembly held in May. We undertake this process as part of democratising global health governance. The work is supported by many resource persons of PHM and allied organisations who bring their expertise on specific issues to this forum. WHO Tracker of PHM contains details and our comment on many issues of importance. 

2023 Daily Briefs:    
WHA76 Daily Brief May 22nd
WHA76 Daily Brief May 23rd
WHA76 Daily Brief May 24th
WHA76 Daily Brief May 25th
WHA76 Daily Brief May 26th


 PHM Global Health Governance Dispatches

 Our international systems of global health emergency response and pandemic preparedness are being reformed.  An International Negotiating Body (INB) has been convened to facilitate discussions on a new pandemic treaty, while a Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) is debating proposed reforms to the IHR (2005), the legally-binding instrument defining the rights and obligations of countries during global public health emergencies.  Both the INB and WGIHR processes will culminate in recommendations for the consideration of the 77th World Health Assembly in May, 2024. The People’s Health Movement (PHM) is following both processes.  The purpose of these Global Health Governance Dispatches is to keep our partners and friends updated on developments in the pandemic accord and IHR negotiations, and to facilitate progressive advocacy as we approach this new era of global health governance. 


WHO Executive Board Meeting 152 Jan-Feb'23



See the video from Geneva with Alice Fabbri (PHM’s watcher) who explains why PHM watches the WHO. The film maker is Sebastien Sauges.