Charter4Health podcast: Delen de la Paz on the situation of human and health rights defenders in the Philippines
In this episode of Charter for Health we take a look into the current situation of human and health rights
In this episode of Charter for Health we take a look into the current situation of human and health rights
Welcome to the GHW Podcast, an audio show dedicated to PHM’s flagship publication “Global Health Watch 6: In the shadow of the pandemic” (GHW6). As a way to spread the analysis and the experiences of struggle reported in the book. The GHW podcast is available for free on iVoox and in all four PHM languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic).
In this episode of charter for health, we talk about the struggle for the right to health in Europe, gender justice and health, freedom of the press and the challenges of communication for health
Our guest today is one of Charter4Health Podcast Producers, Ana Vračar, she is a Cultural anthropologist focused on critical and medical anthropology, master in public health.
She has been an advisor to trade unions like the Organization for workers initiative in her country, Croatia
In this episode of charter4health we address the holding of the fifth People's health assembly in Mar del Plata, Argentina in April 2024. its discussions, scope and the logistical, financial and political challenges involved in its organization.
In this episode of Charter4Health we address the topic of traditional medicine and ancestral and popular knowledge.
Our guest is Vivian Camacho, a woman of the Quechua indigenous people, physician, promoter of ancestral medicine, health activist, member of the People's Health Movement, currently serving as national director of traditional medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Plurinational Government of Bolivia.
In this episode of Charter for Health we approach the discussion of free trade agreements, commercialization and privatization of health systems and the impacts on local economies, healthcare and access to medicines in developing countries.
Introduced by Professor Ron Labonté, In this Episode of Charter for Health we dive into the editing process, the importance of the Global Health Watch for the Movement in a conversation with Chiara Bodini, she is a Medical doctor and surgeon, PhD in Public Health, Chiara has a history of health activism and within the People's Health Movement where she has been spokesperson for PHM Europe, and a co-chair at PHM Steering Committee. At the Moment She is a co-editor of the Global Health Watch and the executive producer of the GHW Podcast.
In this episode of Charter for Health we dig into the origins of the People’s Health Movement and how its creation has influenced and reshaped the activism for the right to health.
A direct conversation with Claudio Schuftan, physician, pediatrician, a tireless activist for the right to health. Claudio is Co-founder of the People's Health Movement.
In this episode of Charter4Health, a special guest discusses the context of health systems in Latin America, and the inter-regional dialogue of the PHM. Matheus Falcâo is co-director of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes) and has been regional coordinator of PHM in Brazil. Matheus is a lawyer and activist for the right to health.