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Terrirtorio ancestral de la Sirra Nevada de Santa Marta

IPHU Course on Health for and with the Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia

The Colombia Circle of the People's Health Movement (PHM) invites you to participate in the national training course of the International People's Health University (IPHU), Health for and with the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, which will be held from October 7 to 11, 2024 in Pueblo Bello, Cesar, Colombia.
Opening of the call for registrations: August 12, 2024 
Deadline for applications: September 12, 2024 
Information on selected participants: September 18-19, 2024

Course objectives: To generate a space based on the ideology of Health For All and the “Good Living” from intercultural exchange in which, from a critical and situated perspective, ancestral and Western knowledge and practices for health can circulate (for information on the course content, please check the following link: https://phmovement.org/sites/default/files/2024-08/UISP%20Colombia%20SNSM%20Plan%20de%20estudios-1.pdf 

Qualify individual and collective leadership in health of the PHM and indigenous peoples, with an ancestral and intercultural worldview, from a critical perspective of the political economy of health, decoloniality, ecofeminism and “Buen Vivir”.

Who can register to take the course: Young activists and workers, community and indigenous peoples' agents (especially from the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) who work on issues of health, interculturality, gender, agroecology, food sovereignty, environmentalism, human rights and, in particular, those who participate or wish to participate in the People's Health Movement (PHM).

Only for Colombia

Click here to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclIloGD7fXNwP7zNqUD7lmHRlvvkW-wIDFnY-x44X8RW35Yg/viewform 

Health for and with the Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia

The International People's Health University (IPHU) aims to contribute to health for all by strengthening people's health movements around the world, organizing and resourcing learning, and sharing and planning opportunities for action by people's health activists, particularly from the countries of the Global South, who are working for a healthy, just, coexistent, and sustainable world based on good living. The IPHU is a program of the People's Health Movement (PHM) on a global scale and is also a strategy committed to strengthening the PHM as an organization and network of organizations and activists.
UISP is committed to supporting research on means and actions to improve human health in relation to Mother Earth, including the transformation of health systems and addressing processes of social determination. For this reason, it carries out training, research, systematization and advocacy activities for political incidence. In this sense, the IPHU has considered that the Comprehensive Primary Health Care (PHC) is one of the fundamental strategies to improve the integral health care of the peoples with mother earth from the good living and intercultural dialogue that enhances a decisive action of individuals, families and communities in their territories.
UISP collaborates with local universities and popular movements for health to offer short courses and other opportunities and resources in many different places and countries. On this occasion, the aim is to contribute to the strengthening of health actions and good living of the Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Arhuaco, Wiwa, Kankuamo and Kogui in Colombia; through the course as an experience to learn, share, investigate and reflect on the challenges of health in their territories, based on their culture and the interrelationship with Western culture in the framework of the national health system and the Indigenous System of Intercultural Health (SISPI).
This course is based on the approaches of critical political economy, decolonial, intercultural and gender equity in the health of indigenous peoples to contribute to raise awareness of the barriers that have made it impossible to achieve health for all, all and all, share learning and experiences of common struggles to project a path of improvement and transformation of health in their communities and territories.

Purposes of the course:
- To generate a space for good living based on intercultural exchange in which ancestral and western knowledge and practices for health circulate.
- To contribute to the strengthening of the indigenous peoples' own system and health process in their territories.
- Qualify individual and collective leadership in health with an ancestral, intercultural, gender and sustainability cosmovision for good living.

Whom is the course directed to?

The course is mainly aimed at achieving the participation of:
- Young activists and health professionals working on the issues of health, interculturality, gender and human rights and, in particular, those who participate or wish to participate in the People's Health Movement (PHM).
- Health workers, including health professionals, community workers and indigenous peoples' health workers.
- Health activists from the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and PHM activists at the national level.
- The criteria for the selection of participants are intended to achieve:
   - Balance of participation by territories and peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and national level PHM activists.
- Gender and ethnic/racial equity.
   - Diversity of representation from indigenous and community organizations in the territory, health worker organizations, universities and health institutions.
   - Diversity of skills, activist background, interests, experience, and academic and popular training that contributes to the achievement of the purposes of this course.
- Individuals who can read and write.
- Guaranteed to remain on site for the five days of the course.
The course will have a duration of seven (7) days organized as follows: 
- Preparation and logistics with the community in the territory on October 05 - 06: It involves the displacement from October 05 of the facilitating team from Bogota and weavers from the indigenous peoples to settle in, define organizational mechanisms and prepare the training site. 
- Face-to-face training in Pueblo Bello, Cesar from October 7 to 11: development of the course with the participating indigenous peoples.
- Evaluation and agreements for systematization on October 12: a meeting will be held with the weavers of the indigenous peoples and MSP facilitators to take stock of the experience and plan actions for systematization and dissemination.

Study program: https://phmovement.org/sites/default/files/2024-08/UISP%20Colombia%20SNSM%20Plan%20de%20estudios-1.pdf