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PHM workshop

PHM Pandemic Treaty Workshop

The PHM Global Health Governance group would like to invite you to a workshop on the latest Pandemic Treaty negotiations

When: FRIDAY 5th of April at 11UTC - 12UTC

Zoom link: register here: 

Language: English

The workshop is aimed at PHM health activists who wish to learn more about the Pandemic Treaty negotiations, why they are important for us to follow, what are the main issues relevant for country level advocacy and HOW can we advocate for a more equitable Pandemic Treaty.

Guest Speakers

  • Dr. K. M. Gopakumar. Third World Network- TWN.
    - Procedural issues with the negotiations 
    - Where we are on equity
    - Limitation on financing proposals
  • Nicoletta Dentica - expert in global health
    - One Health and the problematic nature of how its been framed in the INB
  • Baby Aye - Public Services International - PSI
    - What are oversights in process with respect to basic health system capabilities and health workers

Lauren Paremoer will be moderating and based on recent experience in the African region, inspire much needed potential avenues for country level advocacy.
