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WHA73 (Nov) Watch: Policy Briefs, Statements and Agenda

The People’s Health Movement’s WHO Watch team will follow the World Health Assembly 73 (resumed session) held from 9-14 November.  The Watching team consisted of  Alane Ribeiro (Brazil), Aletha Wallace 9belgium), Ana Vracar (Crotia), Gargeya Telakapalli (India), Kriti Shukla (India), Lauren Paremoer (South Africa), Matheus Zuliane Falcao (Brazil), Muneer Mammi kutty (India), Osama Ummer (India), Rhiannon Osborne (UK), Sarai Keestra (Netherlands), Susana Barria (India) PHM, in collaboration with Medicus Mundi International, deliver statements at the meeting.

PHM Philippines: Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere – At What Cost to the People?

PRESS RELEASE | April 5, 2019 Reference: Edelina dela Paz, MD 09178113298 Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere – At What Cost to the People? The World Health Organization chose Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Everyone, Everywhere  as the focus to celebrate World Health Day 2019 on April 7.  The World Health Organization has been actively endorsing UHC.  UHC was also the main theme of the October 25, 2018 Global Conference on Primary Health Care to commemorate the Alma Ata Declaration --