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Approaches to “Buen Vivir”

The PHA5 is Underway and PHM brings back from its archives a book on the concept of "Buen Vivir" used on the slogan of the upcoming world's assembly.

Approaches to “Buen Vivir” Download the Book

This work arises from the need raised at the coordination meeting of the People's Health Movement, Latin American region, held in November 2014 in El Salvador, to start working on a document of the PHM LA on “Buen Vivir”, which serves as an analysis and deepening and especially a material that can be worked by all individuals, groups and organizations adhered to the movement on this issue so transcendental for this historic moment of the collective journey in our Abya Yala.

Objectives of the work:

  • To know and deepen the Good Living, characteristics and proposals.
  • To write a document of the MSP-LA.
  • To elaborate a work of popular communication of the document.
  • To deepen in the different cosmovisions of the native peoples of the continent and in community experiences about this way of thinking, seeing, feeling and living life to the full. life to the fullest.

Sandra Marín and Marcela Bobatto, then coordinators of PHM's Southern Subregion of Argentina, were designated as responsible for this work. Both colleagues elaborated the document, which was socialized with the PHM LA Coordination Team in the different instances of writing. It was read and analyzed with the different contributions of colleagues, also socialized and enriched in the meetings of the Regional Committee of Central America during the meetings of 2016 and 2017. We consider this work as an approach to the subject, since although this conception is part of the daily life in our native peoples and our communities, as a Movement we have pending the debate from the diverse collective that we are. Finally, it should be clarified that in this writing process, the document was elaborated from the different cosmovisions, experiences and life practices that each one of the sub-regions contributed to the analysis, complementing the document with diverse bibliography generated from works, research, articles and papers.

Here we are delivering it to be read, shared and debated within the organizations of our movement, the communities, the academia and all the people who in one way or another struggle for that Other Possible World that is already being. 

Approaches to “Buen Vivir” Download the Book
