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We are thankful for the director general's report. Colombia would like to reiterate her position on the strategic importance and relevance of the participation of non-state actors in the governing bodies of WHO. They play an important role in social and political matters and in representing people through NGOs at both local, regional and international level. We urge therefore that the Secretariat continue to facilitate and increase their participation on the basis of criteria of inclusivity and effectiveness including in the intersessional period. We welcome the Canadian proposal. We do think more consultations are needed on 23.3 before a decision is taken on this matter. And we hope that some more information can be provided at the next executive board session both Member States and in NSAs in official relations, we have to ensure that all forms of participation in and influence on the work of WHO by ordinary people is such so as to have a real impact on adopted government policy and on the decisions that are taken by the World Health Organization. It is particularly important that grassroots organizations' opinions can be properly taken into account. We need to innovate with our working with us so as to guarantee the broadest level of participation possible. What we don't want is for participation just to focus on one or two organizations which have the necessary influence and resources to be able to participate. When working with NSA. We must also guarantee that nobody is left behind when it comes to having real full participation. Thank you.  

Versão em português

Declaração de Jaime Urrego, Vice-Ministro da Saúde da Colômbia no Conselho Executivo da OMS:

Estamos gratos pelo relatório do diretor geral. A Colômbia gostaria de reiterar sua posição sobre a importância estratégica e a relevância da participação de atores não estatais nos órgãos dirigentes da OMS. Eles desempenham um papel importante em questões sociais e políticas e na representação das pessoas através de ONGs, tanto em nível local, regional e internacional. Portanto, instamos que a Secretaria continue a facilitar e aumentar sua participação com base em critérios de inclusividade e eficácia, inclusive no período entre sessões. Acolhemos favoravelmente a proposta canadense. Pensamos que são necessárias mais consultas no dia 23.3 antes que seja tomada uma decisão sobre este assunto. E esperamos que mais algumas informações possam ser fornecidas na próxima sessão do Conselho Executivo, tanto nos Estados Membros quanto nos INE nas relações oficiais, temos que garantir que todas as formas de participação e influência no trabalho da OMS pelas pessoas comuns seja de tal forma a ter um impacto real na política governamental adotada e nas decisões que são tomadas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. É particularmente importante que as opiniões das organizações de base possam ser devidamente levadas em conta. Precisamos inovar com nosso trabalho conosco, de modo a garantir o mais amplo nível de participação possível. O que não queremos é que a participação se concentre apenas em uma ou duas organizações que tenham a influência e os recursos necessários para poder participar. Quando se trabalha com a NSA. Devemos também garantir que ninguém seja deixado para trás quando se trata de ter uma participação realmente plena. Obrigado. 

Version Française

Déclaration de Jaime Urrego, vice-ministre de la Santé de Colombie à l'occasion du EB 06022023 de l'OMS :

Nous sommes reconnaissants pour le rapport du directeur général. La Colombie souhaite réaffirmer sa position sur l'importance stratégique et la pertinence de la participation des acteurs non étatiques aux organes directeurs de l'OMS. Ils jouent un rôle important dans les questions sociales et politiques et dans la représentation des populations par le biais des ONG, tant au niveau local que régional et international. Nous demandons donc instamment au Secrétariat de continuer à faciliter et à accroître leur participation sur la base de critères d'inclusivité et d'efficacité, y compris pendant la période intersessions. Nous accueillons favorablement la proposition canadienne. Nous pensons que de plus amples consultations sont nécessaires sur le point 23.3 avant qu'une décision ne soit prise à ce sujet. Et nous espérons que de plus amples informations pourront être fournies lors de la prochaine session du Conseil exécutif, tant dans les États membres que dans les ANE. Dans les relations officielles, nous devons veiller à ce que toutes les formes de participation et d'influence des gens ordinaires sur les travaux de l'OMS soient telles qu'elles aient un impact réel sur la politique gouvernementale adoptée et sur les décisions prises par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Il est particulièrement important que les opinions des organisations de base puissent être dûment prises en compte. Nous devons innover dans notre travail, afin de garantir un niveau de participation aussi large que possible. Ce que nous ne voulons pas, c'est que la participation se limite à une ou deux organisations qui ont l'influence et les ressources nécessaires pour pouvoir participer. En travaillant avec la NSA. Nous devons également garantir que personne ne soit laissé de côté lorsqu'il s'agit d'avoir une véritable participation pleine et entière. Merci. 

English Version

Statement by Jaime Urrego, Health Vice Minister of Colombia at the WHO Executive Board:

We are thankful for the director general's report. Colombia would like to reiterate her position on the strategic importance and relevance of the participation of non-state actors in the governing bodies of WHO. They play an important role in social and political matters and in representing people through NGOs at both local, regional and international level. We urge therefore that the Secretariat continue to facilitate and increase their participation on the basis of criteria of inclusivity and effectiveness including in the intersessional period. We welcome the Canadian proposal. We do think more consultations are needed on 23.3 before a decision is taken on this matter. And we hope that some more information can be provided at the next executive board session both Member States and in NSAs in official relations, we have to ensure that all forms of participation in and influence on the work of WHO by ordinary people is such so as to have a real impact on adopted government policy and on the decisions that are taken by the World Health Organization. It is particularly important that grassroots organizations' opinions can be properly taken into account. We need to innovate with our working with us so as to guarantee the broadest level of participation possible. What we don't want is for participation just to focus on one or two organizations which have the necessary influence and resources to be able to participate. When working with NSA. We must also guarantee that nobody is left behind when it comes to having real full participation. Thank you.