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CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR SELF ORGANISED ACTIVITIES - CLOSING DATE: 15 JULY 2018 The structure of the PHA4 program will provide a space for self-organized activities. In the afternoons of the PHA4, organizations and networks are offered the opportunity to organize a workshop/session. Partner organizations/networks are invited to express interest and will be able to submit proposals  from  April 2018. Proposed themes for such sessions, will have to be in sync with the broad themes of PHA4. Activities can include combination of different formats, including cultural presentations, case studies, testimonies, etc. Self organised activities should conform to the Peoples Health Charter (in terms of broad positions/objectives proposed in the activity). Each activity will be for 2 hours. Organisations can propose, up to a maximum of 4 activities. Two activities can be organised over sequential sessions on the same day. Multiple organisations can join together to propose an activity. Proposals can ask for varying sizes of venue – ranging from those that accommodate 50 people to those that accommodate up to 200 people. Proposers of self organised activities will be asked to contribute to the costs of the PHA4 in two ways: by making a contribution to the infrastructure costs; by supporting the participation of delegates in PHA4. For more information click here PHA4 PROGRAM - PLANNING ACTION  In addition to the thematic axes that are guiding the program each day, there will be daily discussion sessions during PHA4 where we can jointly coordinate local and global action on the PHA3 campaign themes. Health systems,  against privatisation, defense of public systems, Human Resources for Health, etc. Food and Nutrition and Food Sovereignty Trade and Health + Access to Medicines Gender and Health Environment, Extractive Industries, and Development Are you involved in action one of these areas? Do you know of action taking place in your country or region? Want to create links, solidarity and action plans? Keep an eye on the PHA4 program and join the thematic solidarity groups  to link up with experts and activists from across the world to plan action! BUILDING A MOVEMENT FOR HEALTH -  INSPIRATION FOR PHA4 MOBILISATION The struggle for health and social justice has a long and proud history that has been driven by diverse social movements involving many individuals and organisations in different contexts. Today, the active role of organised civil society is more necessary than ever. While on average life expectancy and health status are improving globally, the rate of improvement is much slower than what is possible and the growing inequalities in health experienced between and within countries are both unnecessary and unacceptable. This is intended to be an aid in the struggle for health equity, which is the struggle for liberation from hunger, poverty and unjust socio-economic structures. It is a tool to support movement-building at the country level, and to contribute to the creation and strengthening of a global movement for health. Click here to download the book   PHM is a global network that brings together grassroots health activists, civil society organizations and academic institutions and individuals from around the world. Guided by the People's Charter for Health (PCH), PHM works on a variety of programmes and activities and is primarily committed to Comprehensive Primary Health Care and to addressing the social, economic and environmental determinants of health. PHM is facing serious cutbacks in funding. We are thus welcoming contributions/donations from individuals and organizations who believe in our vision and philosophy to support and sustain our activities. Your support will enable PHM to remain uncompromised and independent in the stands it takes. Your donation will contribute to movement building, to the development of resources for for its advocacy, to strengthening policy dialogue at different levels, and to strengthen its ‘Health for All’ campaign as a platform for experience exchanges and concerted joint action.  Donate now to PHM

Would you like to share your PHM news via this newsletter? Send us your story to globalsecretariat@phmovement.org

Download the Newsletter PDF here