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Gender Justice in Health

Struggles for Safe Abortion & Reproductive Justice | 28 September | International Safe Abortion Day

28th September is a significant day for advocating advancing the ongoing struggles for safe and legal abortion rights of women, girls, and gender non-binary individuals worldwide. As feminists and health activists who are organized under this PHM thematic group, we are fully committed to supporting all those who are resisting the patriarchal and neo-liberal world order that opposes women's liberation and rights in society.

This 28th September, we will continue to emphasize our demands for universal safe, and legal abortion rights, while also recognizing the linkages between the struggles for reproductive justice and the broader fights for health and social justice. Join us in the #AbortionSolidarity campaign to foster cross-movement solidarity and challenge the oppressive systems and structures that are failing people globally, particularly those who have been made marginalized due to their gender and racialized identities.

We are determined to build powerful waves of solidarity to overcome the growing anti-gender and anti-feminist discourse prevailing across the globe. Through mobilizing actions and amplifying voices, we will consistently respond to the evolving landscape of reproductive rights, human rights and gender justice which are under attack and face a backlash from the colonial, oppressive, and neo-conservative regimes.

Furthermore, we will contribute to adamantly resisting any attempt to distort or vilify gender rights language to weaken feminist movement organizing; we will resist any attempt(s) at deprioritizing the gender justice demands or pacifying the struggling voices; and we will resist any perspective that promotes a false hierarchy of issues sidelining gender rights and failing to acknowledge the intersectionality of gender and social marginalization in the pursuit of Health For All.

Do share with us your action plan/any activity/discussion that you may be holding in your region/community/friendship networks!

You are invited to take to social media and use #AbortionSolidarity & #28September hashtags to do solidarity posts/messages.

You may also send in your messages to this group/any pictures/short videos etc, and we shall collate them for further posting through PHM.

In solidarity,
PHM Gender Justice & Health thematic circle
Adsa <[email protected]>
Deepika <[email protected]>
Sarojini <[email protected]>