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Applications open: East and Asia Pacific Region online IPHU on Democratising Global Health Governance

Local Strategies for Global Health: How Grassroots Mobilisation and Advocacy can Contribute to Democratising Global Health Governance 

The East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region of the People's Health Movement is pleased to invite applications for a Six-Session online IPHU Workshop on Democratising Global Health Governance: 15th Oct ‘24 to 19th Nov 2024 on Tuesdays (weekly) at 6 AM UTC/ 2 PM Manila time. The course is for the interested applicants from the EAP region. 


The Objectives of the Workshop are to:

• explore the interplay between community activism around local health issues and the challenges of global engagement;

• introduce PHM activists from EAP region to PHM’s WHO Watch program;

• review key issues addressed in the recent World Health Assembly; explore the local and regional implications of those issues and identify local and regional priorities for engagement;

• explore the potential outcomes and challenges involved in policy engagement with government officials regarding their policy positions on current issues of international debate;

• develop our policy analysis, policy development and policy advocacy skills; and 

• identify local and regional priorities and plan for priority actions.

Who is the workshop planned for?

 • The total enrolment will be limited to 30 participants.

• Priority, with respect to enrolment, will be given to activists within PHM, including activists in organizations affiliated with PHM

The enrolment policy aims to achieve:

• geographical mix,

• gender balance,

• diversity of involvements, and 

• diversity of skills, interests, experience, and backgrounds. 

Workshop Agenda 

The workshop agenda will comprise six topics over six weeks:

• WHO Watch: process, experience, outcomes,

• About WHO: history, structures, functions, governance,

• Global health governance: the wider environment of forces,

• PHM’s ‘theory of change’ in its GHG work,

• Policy and advocacy skills,

• Watching the Regional Committees of WHO.

Each topic will include:

• introduction to the topic,

• a set of learning objectives,

• a reading program and suggested exercise/s,

• a webinar discussion.

Cross-cutting themes will include:

• the social determination of health, 

• comprehensive primary health care, 

• the political economy of health, 

• health system strengthening, 

• the right to health: principles,

 • solidarity and struggle across class, gender, and coloniality,

 • people’s health and environmental justice. 

Workshop approach

 • The workshop will be resourced by experienced PHM activists from the region including activists with experience as WHO Watchers in Geneva. The workshop will be conducted in in English.

 • The course requires putting in 4-8 hours of reading weekly before the sessions. See more detailed Workshop Program please see the document uploaded towards the end of this post. 

Application and Deadline

 • Applications only for activists from EAP region. Apply online at:

• Deadline for applications: 24th September 2024 

• Dates for the six sessions: 15th Oct, 22nd Oct, 29th Oct, 5th Nov, 13th Nov, 19th Nov (Tuesdays, every week) at 6 AM UTC/ 2 PM Manila time. 

• Contact: [email protected] or <[email protected]>
