Access to essential medicines remains a daunting problem for the poor across the world. Activists from the Delhi Network of Positive People have spent more than a month protesting in front of the offices of the National AIDS Control Organization in India, fighting against a shortage of antiretroviral drugs. We bring a video
report from the ground.
A different situation can be observed in Cuba, whose public research and development capacities are committed to sharing knowledge and building solutions for the world’s pressing health needs. In this issue, we look at Cuban efforts to establish cooperation for the production of
Covid-19 vaccines with Italian scientists, and to develop a new treatment for
Alzheimer’s disease.
To know more about these topics and other stories on access to medicines; health effects of inadequate nutrition, reduced access to public health care and stress on health; health issues in Brazil as presidential campaign rolls out; health facilities in turmoil after Isreal's yet another attack on Gaza and trends in children's vaccination,
click here.
For older issues of PHD,
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