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Webinar: Empowered communities against AMR, Our Planet, Our Health

The People's Health Movement -PHM- and ReAct Latin-America invite you to a new webinar as part of the dialogue series. Under the title: Empowered communities against Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Our Planet, Our Health, the webinar was held on Wednesday 28 February. 

Available in Spanish

ReAct Latin-America, in collaboration with the Pan America Health Organization (PAHO) and South Center, will launch a dialogue-series on civil society and community engagement in the lead up to the PHM 5th People Health Assembly (PHA5) 7-11 April in Mar del Plata, Argentina, towards the 2024 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR .

First dialogue meeting –  Call for Global Action

The first dialogue meeting, with the title “Empowered communities against AMR, Our Planet, Our Health: the road to the PHA-5 and the UNGA HLM on AMR”, will be held in Spanish and will introduce the re-adaptation towards the HLM of the 2021 Empowered Communities declaration. The updated declaration, now renamed as “Call for Global Action at the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting 2024 on AMR”, is part of a global campaign that ReAct, together with PAHO and South Center, wants to launch to:

  • Raise awareness and sensitize the public audience on antibiotic resistance as the greatest and most urgent cross-border health crises of our time
  • Create a movement of civil societies and communities with the goal to raise collective voices and concerns over the threat that AMR poses to sustainable development and well-being, and not least
  • urge member states to take strong political commitments at the UNGA HLM on AMR.

Expert Panel on the first dialogue meeting:

   Dr. Andrea Caputo Svensson, Global Health Advisor, ReAct Europe
   Dr. Nathalie El Omeiri, AMR Advisor at PAHO
   Dr. Román Vega, Global Coordinator of the People Health Movement

Moderators: Lisandro Ferrazini, ReAct Latin America and Mirza Alas Portillo, South Center

The keynote speakers highlighted the global health emergency of antimicrobial resistance and its consequences on all aspects of life worldwide, including human and animal health, ecosystems and economies. They will also introduce the Call for Global Action and the opportunities for civil society and communities to engage in the upcoming high-level events.

