Starvation looms over Gaza; commercialization threatens health in Brazil
Healthcare services in the Gaza Strip have nearly collapsed, with care being provided by the sheer determination of nurses, paramedics, doctors, and other health workers. Hunger rates are escalating, and the risk of disease outbreaks looms due to debris and overflowing sewage infrastructure.
A ceasefire is essential for healthcare services in Palestine to fully restart and rebuild. Health workers in Palestine and worldwide are calling for an end to the violence. Recently, Healthcare Workers for Palestine in the US protested in Chicago, demanding the American Medical Association support a ceasefire and recognize the violence in Gaza as genocide.
Healthcare in Palestine and other countries ridden by imperialist violence and conflict remains one of the priorities of the People’s Health Movement (PHM). After the People’s Health Assembly in Mar del Plata, Argentina, PHM is now implementing its call to action, aiming to build a new international economic order based on peace, solidarity, and respect.
In Brazil, health is threatened by climate change and private sector encroachments. Recent floods in Rio Grande do Sul have literally submerged primary healthcare services. At the same time, pressures to privatize blood product production could throw Brazil back to the 1970s, when insufficient safety measures led to contaminated blood transfusions. Additionally, a new bill that would equate abortion with murder has sparked protests.
Nepal’s Community Health Workers have joined a trade union delegation to the annual International Labor Organization meeting, continuing their struggle for job stability and fair wages. By campaigning for their recognition, they are also advocating for stronger public health systems that benefit all.
In focus: Health workers in US against genocide
Healthcare workers protest AMA’s silence on genocide in Gaza
Healthcare Workers for Palestine activists protested at a recent American Medical Association meeting, condemning the association’s silence on the genocide in Palestine

Healthcare workers will protest the American Medical Association’s silence in the face of genocide
On June 8, healthcare workers are staging a demonstration outside of a meeting of the American Medical Association House of Delegates

In focus: Health in Palestine
Starvation and healthcare collapse loom over Gaza
Starvation in Gaza, exacerbated by Israeli armed forces’ violence, is killing children

Healthcare in the West Bank under siege as Gaza nears starvation
Half of Gaza’s population may face starvation within a month, while healthcare in the West Bank is becoming increasingly inaccessible due to obstructions by Israeli forces

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Healthcare runs underwater in Rio Grande do Sul
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A recent inquiry revealed that commercial blood transfusions infected 33,000 Britons with HIV and Hepatitis C, a risk that Brazil overcame with the Henfil Law and Hemobrás – risks which may return with the proposed Plasma PEC