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PHM 2023 Annual Report​​: The Post Covid Struggle For Health And The Road To Mar del Plata

This Report reflects the activities carried out by the global programs, thematic circles, regions, countries and, in general, the PHM activists during the year 2023 around the world in their struggles to contribute to achieving Health For All, a strategic objective set by the PHM since its constitution in 2000. 

Download the PHM 2023 Annual Report​​: The Post Covid Struggle For Health And The Road To Mar del Plata

Descargue el Informe Anual del MSP 2023: La lucha por la salud después del Covid y el camino hacia Mar del Plata

Télécharger le rapport annuel PHM 2023 : La lutte pour la santé dans l'après-Covid et la route vers Mar del Plata

These activities have been developed in an external context of growing contradictions of class, gender, ethnicity and caste, because of the accelerated convergence of different crises resulting from the deepening of socioeconomic inequalities, climate change, wars, conflicts and forced migrations. Everything has occurred in a scenario of tensions and geopolitical, economic and social confrontations between a declining imperial hegemonic power that has unleashed an escalation of violence at a planetary level to sustain itself and multiple emerging powers that, from the global south, dispute the sovereign direction of the economic, financial, technological, social and health policies, the relationship with nature and the security of the world.

The PHM's actions have also been developed in an internal context of intense preparation for the Fifth World People's Health Assembly, first agreed to take place in Santiago de Cali – Colombia and then in Mar del Plata – Argentina. Changing organizational situations of the PHM in Colombia, and political and economic situations in Argentina when an unexpected change of government occurred, strained the internal forces of the PHM to make the maximum formative event of its policies and strategies a reality to face the bottlenecks that prevent it from moving forward effectively. in the coming years in achieving Health For All.

Compared to the previous year, this time changes were made to the structure of the report. The reports of the thematic programs and circles were grouped in section II; the activities of regions and countries in section III; in section IV those of movement construction; and in sections V and VI those on the preparation of the Fifth World People's Health Assembly and those on the global organization of the PHM.

The activities of the Health For All Campaign were expressed through its thematic circles, highlighting solidarity with the people of Palestine in their fight against the genocidal government of Israel, access to safe and quality abortion and the fight against gender violence. , the denunciation against the privatization of the PHC and the campaign for the transformation of health systems, the people's health court against Shell & Total in Africa, the alliance with other agroecological and food sovereignty movements, among others. The program for the democratization of global health governance maintained its activities aimed at monitoring WHO decisions in its EB and WHA and denouncing the anti-popular content of its health policies, while seeking better links with regions and thematic circles.  Two IPHU face-to-face courses were developed in Africa and Europe. And the GHW began the organization and planning of its seventh edition, and the process for the publication of several booklets for edition number six.

Meanwhile, the denunciation and mobilization campaigns, as well as the building of the movement through them, were intense in different countries and regions of the world. Those in support of the Palestinian people and against the genocide and ethnic cleansing to which this people have been subjected by the Zionist government of Israel were highlighted; against the commercialization and privatization of public and health services, the defense of the rights of health workers and support for community health workers, and for the transformation and decolonization of health systems; the defense of common goods, ecosystems and against extractivism; the fight against transnational corporations linked to the food system and for food sovereignty; the criminalization of abortion and the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women;  the organization and support of grassroots community processes in their fight for health and participation in different events of networks and affiliated and friendly organizations; the construction of new PHM country circles and new alliances with other social movements and organizations in health-related struggles. In these processes, the Latin American and Caribbean region stood out, forming new leaderships, building and consolidating new country circles, generating alliances, among others.

Although two regions, India and West and Central Africa, did not submit their reports, this report shows that the PHM consolidated itself as an alternative global movement, grew and qualified its struggles for the achievement of health for all. However, important challenges have remained on the fight agenda that must be the subject of exchange and discussion at its Fifth World People's Health Assembly to more effectively confront the global, regional and local powers that have prevented improvement in human health and of all living beings on the planet.