PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle organised a webinar on "Commercialisation and privatization of healthcare: Key challenges for Right to health defenders" on 30 August, 2022; 10 pm Seoul/ 6.30 pm Delhi/4 pm Nairobi/10 am Brasilia (1 PM UTC)
The topics covered were:
i. What is commercialisation or privatization of healthcare in various countries (current threats, policies put in place and possible counter proposals, for instance, remunicipalization)?
ii. What are health movements doing or what they did to resist it?
Commercialisation and privatization of healthcare:
key challenges for Right to health defenders

30 August, 2022; 10 pm Seoul/ 6.30 pm Delhi/4 pm Nairobi/
10 am Brasilia (1 pm UTC)
Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3Ate4tj
YouTube Live: People's Health Movement (English)
Interpretation in Spanish and French
Mediator: Deepika Joshi (PHM Global) and Matheus Falcão (PHM Health Systems Thematic Circle)
Introduction: Roman Vega, PHM Global coordinator
- Abhay Shukla and Shakuntala Bhalerao, PHM India
- Ramya Kumar, Sri Lanka
- Sun Kim, PHM South Korea
- Leonardo Mattos, PHM Brazil
- Leigh Haynes, PHM North America
- Dan Owalla, PHM Kenya
- Mario Hernández – Colombia
Mercantilización y Privatización de la Salud: desafíos para los defensores del Derecho a la Salud
30 de agosto de 2022; 10 pm Seúl/ 6.30 pm Delhi/4 pm Nairobi/
10h Brasilia (13h UTC)
Enlace Zoom: https://bit.ly/3Ate4tj
YouTube Live: People's Health Movement (Inglés)
Traducción simultánea: Español y Francés
Moderadores: Deepika Joshi (MSP Global) y Matheus Falcão (Círculo de Sistemas de Salud del MSP)
Introducción: Roman Véga (Coordenador Global - MSP)
- Abhay Shukla and Shakuntala Bhalerao, MSP India
- Ramya Kumar, Sri Lanka
- Sun Kim, MSP Corea del Sur
- Leonardo Mattos, MSP Brasil
- Leigh Haynes, MSP América do Norte
- Dan Owalla, MSP Kenia
- Mario Hernández - Colombia
Commercialisation et privatisation de la santé: des défis pour les défenseurs du droit à la santé
30 août, 2022 ; 22h Séoul/ 18h30 Delhi/ 16h Nairobi/
10 h Brasilia (13 h UTC)Lien de zoom: https://bit.ly/3Ate4tjYouTube Live: People's Health Movement (Anglais)Traduction simultanée: espagnol et français

Modérateurs: Deepika Joshi (MSP Global) et Matheus Falcão (MSP Cercle sur les Systèmes de Santé)
Introduction: Roman Véga (Coordinateur global - MSP
- Abhay Shukla et Shakuntala Bhalerao, MSP Inde
- Ramya Kumar, Sri Lanka
- Sun Kim, MSP Coree du Sud
- Leonardo Mattos, MSP Brésil
- Leigh Haynes, MSP Amérique du Nord
- Dan Owalla, MSP Kenya
- Mario Hernández, Colombie