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Gender-based violence: Voicing demands for Comprehensive, Caring & Accountable Health Systems Response to Survivors

Gender-based violence: Voicing demands for Comprehensive, Caring & Accountable Health Systems Response to Survivors

Gender-based violence (GBV) against women, girls and gender non-binary persons continues to be one of the most pervasive forms of human rights violation and public health crisis globally. Despite the global recognition of GBV as a public health issue, the intersections of health and GBV continue to remain marginalized at multiple levels. Such a scenario necessitates an urgent need for building/revisiting these discussions and identifying strategies to address the same. Health systems have a critical role to play in mitigating the risks of violence, addressing health impacts through providing necessary care, support and services, and adopting an equitable and gender justice approach. Moreover, advancing the health rights and healthcare access for vulnerable groups/persons including GBV Survivors need to be kept at the centre of our demands for a caring, equitable, and healthy world.

On the occasion of May 28, International Day of Action for Women’s Health, PHM-Gender Justice and Health Thematic Group & Sama Resource Group for Women and Health invite you to join us for an online webinar on Gender-based violence: Voicing demands for Comprehensive, Caring & Accountable Health Systems Response to Survivors.

Speakers for this panel include,
Payal Shah is the Director of the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones at Physicians for Human Rights and a Fellow with the International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. She is a leading global legal expert on sexual and reproductive health and rights, including documentation of gender-based and sexual violence and advocacy for reproductive and sexual autonomy and health.

#May 28 | International Day of Action for Women’s Health

PHM-Gender Justice & Health Thematic Group & 

Sama Resource Group for Women and Health

Invite you to join us for an online webinar on


Gender-based violence: Voicing demands for Comprehensive, Caring & Accountable Health Systems Response to Survivors


Payal Shah, Physicians for Human Rights

Zulaikha Rafiq, Afghan Women’s Network (AWN)

Peninah Khisa, PHM East and Southern Africa

Moderator: Adsa Fatima, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health

Date: 26 May 2023, Timing-12 PM UTC | 5.30 PM IST


Registration via Zoom linkhttps://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8WVLxJ0ZSbK8MrGtxe1fEw

Zulaikha Rafiq is an Indian-born Afghan, with 35 years of work experience, working mostly in the non-governmental, non-profit sector, in the areas of education, empowerment, and rights protection. She is a member of the Afghan Women’s Network (AWN), and the South Asian Women’s Network (SWAN). For the past seven years, she has worked as an independent professional consultant and has been actively involved in women's rights and women’s empowerment for more than three decades. She was on the assessment team for UK’s NAP 1325 support to Afghanistan (for SD Direct), and has engaged in gender, women rights and protection-related project evaluations and studies, as well as various training activities, for clients including Care International, UN Women, Afghan Women’s Education Center(AWEC), and others, and developed an SOP manual for Family Protection Centers for response to GBV(for UNFPA).

Peninah Khisa is a regional health advocate based in Kenya. She currently manages Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene  (WASH) under the Social Development Through Community Action(SODECA) in Nairobi. For over seven years Peninah has been instrumental in leadership, management, advocacy, mobilization, coordination, and implementation of gender, youth, children, elderly and their social-economical and livelihood status. Peninah’s vision remains the better well-being of the most vulnerable populations and those hard to reach. Peninah as the director of SODECA manages a team of 10 health advocates and numerous volunteers. She is also the Regional Coordinator for People's Health Movement in East and Southern Africa.

Sarojini N, coordinator for Health for All, PHM Global ([email protected])
Adsa Fatima, Sama Resource Group for Women & Health ([email protected])
Deepika Joshi, PHM Global secretariat ([email protected])