The following as statements, letters and articles by JSA (PHM India) on various issues around COVID19. To deal with the matter, JSA has organised itself into 4 working groups to look at different aspects. The groups are
a) Health Systems Response b) Issues of human rights and ethics, isolation, quarantine and lockdown c) Access to PPE, testing, treatment and vaccine d) Community mobilisation and mitigation.
- Statement and Background Paper on COVID19 ( Corona Virus) CLICK HERE
- Weekly Update on COVID-19 24th March 2020: The Situation and the Peoples Health Movement response Issued by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA - PHM India) and All India People’s Science Network (AIPSN). CLICK HERE
- Open letter to the Prime Minister demanding for urgent steps for mitigation of impact of Covid-19 on the poor and vulnerable in relation to food and social security has been coordinated by the Right to Food Campaign. CLICK HERE
- Statement on breach of privacy and confidentiality of persons suspected of or diagnosed with COVID-19. CLICK HERE
- Statement on violation of human rights in the backdrop of Isolation and Quarantine. CLICK HERE
- letter to the PM addressing issues of scaling up access to free testing and treatment for COVID19. CLICK HERE
- Statement for restoration of 4G Internet in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh in the current context of COVID-19. CLICK HERE
- Statement Against closing Essential Health Services During lockdown CLICK HERE
- Advisory for workers, cleaning hands in low resource settings and protection in crowded places. CLICK HERE
- Note on Government Responsibilities During Lockdown CLICK HERE
- Press Release: Retract notifications, that criminalize/use coercion against the movement of migrants CLICK HERE
- Statement on the Economic package announced by FM with respect to COVID19 pandemic and lockdown CLICK HERE
- Statement On the Personal Protection Equipment for Healthcare Workers during COVID19 Pandemic CLICK HERE
- Letter to Secretary Health on Health Systems Preparedness for COVID19 Pandemic CLICK HERE
- Weekly Update 2 April: The Situation and the Peoples Health Movement response to COVID19 CLICK HERE
- Recommendations for Prisons in light of the COVID19 pandemic CLICK HERE
- Press Release: COVID19 Epidemic on World Health Day CLICK HERE
- Proposed Extension of Nationwide Lockdown : Concerns and Demands CLICK HERE
- Weekly Update 13 April: The Situation and the Peoples Health Movement response to COVID19 CLICK HERE
- Response to Prime Minister’s Address on 14 April 2020 CLICK HERE
- Position Paper- Health Workers’ Rights In The Time Of COVID-19 CLICK HERE
- Statement on the role of the Private Health Sector during the Covid-19 pandemic CLICK HERE
- Statement on post-3rd May 2020 measures against Covid-19 Pandemic CLICK HERE
- JSA and MFC Statement condemning harassment of Dr. Sudhakar Rao of Visakhapatnam, AP CLICK HERE
- JSA Statement on Missing Health System element of the Stimulus Package CLICK HERE
- Letter to Delhi CM: Open doors of Delhi Hospitals for every Indian! CLICK HERE