Malawi: Surviving Two Deadly Pandemics Amidst Breaking International Solidarity and Weak Health Systems
by Wilson Damien Asibu, PHM Malawi
The COVID-19 virus was confirmed by Malawi Government to have reached Malawi on 2 April 2020. By
December 2020, it has spread to all the districts of Malawi. As of 16 October 2020, Malawi had 5, 836
cases with 927 active cases (Wikipedia, 2020). It was projected in a COVID-19 Potential Impact analysis
in Malawi estimated that 16 million Malawians (85% of the population) could become infected over the
two years, and up to 50,000 people could die directly from the virus (Coronavirus update from GAIA-
Malawi, 2020). These staggering statistics brought contagious fear, desperation and apprehension, not
only to the citizenry but also the government and other stakeholders.