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Governance Structure

In late 2010, a governance renewal process was proposed and agreed. Below is an overview of the current structure which was endorsed in January 2016 at the Steering Council Meeting of PHM:

Global Steering Council

The PHM global governance renewal process aims to ensure representation of active PHM structures in the Steering Council; to encourage the development of young leadership while honouring experience; and to include principles of transparency, renewal and participation. Every 3 years, during the governance renewal process of PHM, some SC members step down to allow space for young health activists who have demonstrated commitment and capacity within their region and globally.

The SC is the principal decision making body of PHM. The main task of the SC is to provide strategic guidance to the movement, promote the People’s Charter for Health, develop positions and ensure fluent two way communications between the PHM and the region/network/program they represent. Communication with country circles is an important function of regional representatives.

Decisions between two SC meetings are made using email and Skype and are supported by advice from the CoCo.

The Global Steering Council consists of representatives of:

  • The regional structures of the PHM (each region is constituted  by one or more country circle),
  • PHM global programs,
  • PHM affiliated networks, and
  • Chairperson of Advisory Council

A principle of rotation is built into PHM’s governance structure, recognising a need for both continuity and change. Each Committee functions for 3 years, and no person would be on the committee for more than two terms. Representation rotates between different active countries in a region and within networks.

Find below the email addresses of the confirmed new SC representatives, as decided by the SC meeting of the PHM in April 2024. We will continue to update this as representation is finalised.

Regional Representatives*

Africa South & East

Peninah Khisa; Melanie Alperstein (alternate)

peninahkhisa [at]; melani.alp [at]

Africa West

Erick Kambale; Tonniè Fofana (alternate)

erick.kambale.eds [at]; fofanatonnie [at]

South Asia

Sharad Onta

sharadonta [at]

South East Asia

Paul Laris
Helen Palik
Delen de la Paz
Niyada Kiatying-Angsulee

laris.paul [at]
helenpalik  [at]
delen27 [at]
niyada.k.ang [at]

Middle East

Zeina Mohanna

zeinamohanna [at]


Hugo Icu Peren; Morena Murillo

icuperen [at]; morena.murillo [at]

Andean Region

Ricardo Ramirez

ricardo2ramirez33 [at]


Matheus Falcão

Denis Saffer

matheus.falcao [at]


South Subregion Latam 

Carmen Baez

Mariluz Martin 

carmenbaez5 [at]

martinmariluz [at]


Amulya Nidhi

amulyabhai [at];


Ana Vračar

ana [at]

North America

Jennifer Ware

regionalrep [at]

Programme Representatives

Health for All

Sarojini N

sarojini_n [at]

Global Health Governance

Lauren Paremoer

lparemoer [at]


Hani Serag

haserag [at]


Ronald Labonte

rlabonte [at]

Network Representatives



Andrés Varela; Roselia Rosales (alternate)

varelamolina [at]; roselia.rosales [at]


Yoke Ling

yokeling [at]



deepa.venkatachalam [at]


Ex officio

Past Global Coordinator

Sundararaman T.

sundar [at]

Current Global Coordinator

Roman Vega

roman [at]

Financial Host

Wim De Ceukelaire

wim [at]


Advisory Council

Advisory Council

Alexis Benos

abenos [at]

*Note: The global PHM structure recognises each region as having one person formally represented on global SC; in addition each region has an alternate who works with the formal representative in the region, and stands in for them as required. However some regions (for example India and Latin America) recognise the two (representative and alternate) as equally representing the region

The Coordinating Commission is the executive body of the SC, that is appointed by the SC and includes the two co-chairs of the SC. CoCo meets over Skype once a month and supports the work of the global secretariat within the framework set by the SC.

Following are part of the Coordinating Commission :

Sulakshana Nandi (co-chair), Hani Serag (co-chair), Roman Vega (Global Co-ordinator – Ex Officio); Wim De Ceukelaire (Financial Host- Ex Officio); Sundararaman T. (Past Global Co-ordinator – Ex Officio), Ana Vracar, Shatha Odeh,  Matheus Falcao, Carmen Baez, Peninah Khisa, Yoke Ling

Advisory Council

There are a number of people who have informed PHM’s positions and been central to the development of PHM since inception. To ensure continued utilisation of the wisdom and guidance of some of these long standing members of PHM, an Advisory Council has been constituted, This is a formal and recognised structure, with the chairperson a member of the SC. Please refer to below for further details

The Advisory Council Members are:

  • Prem John: premchandranjohn [@]
  • Ravi Nayaran: chcravi [@]
  • Alexis Benos: abenos [@]
  • Fran Baum: fbaum [@]
  • Mira Shiva: mirashiva [at]
  • Maria Zuniga: : mhamlin [at]
  • Sarah Shannon: sarahs [at]
  • Jihad Mashal: jihadmashal [at]
  • Lanny Smith: landgh [@]
  • Delen De La Paz: delen27 [at]
  • Claudio Schuftan: schuftan [at]
  • Sarojini Nadimpally: sarojinipr [at]
  • David G Legge: dlegge [at]

CLICK HERE for more information on the role and function of the Advisory Committee – the Bios of advisory council will be made available soon.


As part of the governance renewal process, PHM has reviewed and expanded affiliated networks. Four of these will serve on the SC on a rotational basis.

PHM Handbook

The PHM Handbook has been developed as part of the mandate derived from the PHM Strategic Plan 2020-2025. We quote below the purpose and description of such a handbook as it appears in the strategic plan.

 “Develop a PHM Handbook.

  • To improve onboarding guidance for PHM staff and volunteer activists as well as general transparency and consistency, the handbook will collect existing PHM governance and operational policies as well as information on roles, responsibilities, current representatives/coordinators, and resources.
  • Additional information will be documented including Secretariat responsibilities and accountability structures; guidelines for succession planning for key staff and volunteer roles; information on the ICT system and various resources and processes; thematic circle operations and links to best practices; guidelines for country circle functions, including establishing new and renewing existing circles, communication expectations and other responsibilities, and links to resources; and a refreshed mandate for the Advisory Council to address their role working as a collective advisory structure, communications with the SC and other PHM groups, and processes for engaging roles in fundraising, mentoring, and bridge building with other movements and networks..
  • This comprehensive and living handbook will support PHM’s institutional memory and enhance continuity and coordination of work across groups and time. “Mandate from the Strategic Plan-Pg. 36 section 8, of Strategies and Priority Actions for Strengthening PHM Movement”

For the handbook chapters that have been approved by the Steering Council of PHM till 8 September, 2022, click here: English  Spanish

Policy to Address SEXUAL HARASSMENT (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) in PHM

PHM strongly believes that sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental right of a person to equality, right to life, and to live with dignity. The pervasiveness of sexual harassment indicates the distance that remains to be traversed towards achieving equality, justice, and the creation of safe convening, working, and living environments. As the PHM, our goal of health for all encompasses all of these and we stand united in condemning all sexual harassment and violence.

The Policy to Address Sexual Harassment (prevention, prohibition and redressal) in PHM applies to PHM Secretariat/s; all PHM Spaces and Activities -the Workplace, Secretariat, Regional Chapters, Webinars, Meetings, People’s Health Assembly (PHA), WHO Watch, Workshops and International People’s Health University (IPHU).

Read the entire policy in English  Español


Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH)

PHM is committed towards creating a gender sensitized, non-discriminatory and inclusive space of work and interactions. The Committee against Sexual Harassment (CASH) has been set up with a mandate to receive and address complaints that arise in events and activities that we organise or co-organise and to provide sensitisation on the issue of sexual harassment to PHM activists. CASH delegates renewal process is in progress, below the existing members of the Committee:

Ethical Fundraising Policy


As every other organization, PHM needs material resources to carry out its work. This ethical fundraising policy aims to provide guidance and clarity when it comes to fundraising, and to ensure that our financing sources correspond to the values we uphold. This policy was designed to guide the global secretariat’s work, but country and regional circles are expected to be to respect it as well when raising funds in the name of PHM.


Global Secretariat


The Global Secretariat is the executive body of the PHM. Currently PHM secretariat is geographically decentralised. Secretariat members are located in Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Italy, Egypt and India.

The current members of Global Secretariat are:

  • Roman Vega (Global Coordinator): roman[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Candelaria Aráoz Falcón (Global Coordinator Assistant: candelaria[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Susana Barria (Governance and movement building officer (Honorary)): sbarria[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Leonardo Vidal Mattos ( Program coordinator – Health For All Campaign): leo.mattos[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Deepika Joshi (Program coordinator – Health For All Campaign): deepika[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Chiara Bodini (Program coordinator – Global Health Watch): chiara[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • Anneleen De Keukelaere (Program Coordinator - Global Health Gouvernance): anneleen[at]  
  • Miguel Garcia (Communication officer): miguel[at]phmovement[dot]org
  • David Verstockt (Programs manager): david[at]vivasalud[dot]be

It needs to be noted that the employed staff of PHM are small in number, and likewise acknowledged that PHM draws heavily on the use of volunteers. All people on the Steering Council, CoCo and the Advisory Council are volunteers. Many of our programmes such as the International People’s Health University and WHO Watch also draw heavily on volunteers