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Webinar: Critical Questions Ahead of INB 11: Shaping a Fair Pandemic Agreement

On September 9, the textual negotiations for a Pandemic Agreement will finally resume, amidst heightened pressure from the surge of mpox across continents, the emergence of more severe strains, and the persistent lack of access to treatments.  Let's debate ahead of the 11th INB on how to ensure a fair deal.

A webinar to discuss these issues

Thursday, 29 August
9 am ET | 3 pm CEST | 6:30 pm IST

Click here to register: 

While vaccines and other health products are stockpiled in developed countries, these inequities underscore the ongoing structural challenges that the Pandemic Instrument and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations must address: concentrated manufacturing, regulatory bottlenecks, and access to virus sequencing data without mandatory benefit-sharing obligations.

As the 11th Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) approaches, several pressing questions arise:

What specifics need to be clearly articulated, particularly regarding Article 12 on the Pathogens Access and Benefit Sharing System and the One Health Instrument?

Most importantly, with the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations, what leverage can developing countries exert in the Pandemic Agreement negotiations to ensure greater equity?

Join us for an update and an open discussion in the lead-up to INB 11.


K.M. Gopakumar, senior researcher and legal advisor at Third World Network

Nithin Ramakrishnan, senior researcher at Third World Network


Javier Llamoza, director of Health Action International - Peru

Lauren Paremoer, senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town