Dieter Müller [1959 - 2023]
A driven man, more than a mission, he had a calling: the struggle for a more just world for all. A man of strong convictions, with a great sense of social justice, a tireless worker for the common good, a dear friend, a family man, an active man with a great sense of humor. We celebrate the life and struggle of Dieter Müller who left this dimension of being last August 12.
His departure leaves a void in those who knew and worked with him, but also leaves a great legacy of dedication and persistence for new generations of health and rights activists.
The PHM expresses its solidarity with Dieter's family and loved ones, and we raise our fist and voice together with our comrades at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and its office in Mexico that Dieter Müller directed since 2022 and with our comrades at Medico International where Dieter dedicated 30 years of his work and leadership in Latin America, Palestine and confronting issues such as the Covid19 pandemic.
Dieter Müller unconditionally supported the struggles of the International People's Health Council long before the creation of the PHM, later supported the implementation of IPHU courses in Central America and for some time served as liaison for MI to PHM Europe.
Bon voyage dear friend, the struggle continues