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Crisis in Bolivia

PHM Statement 
Through international media, and through our comrades in Bolivia, we have been informed of the occurrence of a military coup process, apparently against the legitimately constituted government in that brotherly Andean country. The coup constitutes a disregard for the constitutional rules that grant the people the legitimacy and legality to decide autonomously, through democratic procedures, on their own destiny and that of the government. Taking advantage of the economic crisis and political differences between political actors, coup factions of the armed forces take advantage of the situation to impose a de facto government that liquidates the possibilities of the Bolivian people to build their own destiny. A military coup will always be an instrument of right-wing reaction at the service of the most elitist sectors of Bolivian society and of the imperialist interests that have systematically tried to circumvent by force the majority will of the Bolivian people. 
The People's Health Movement condemns the coup d'état and calls for solidarity with the people of Bolivia, to maintain the legitimately constituted government and to express our unconditional solidarity with democracy.
