September 28 is observed every year as International Safe Abortion Day. This year, in 2022, PHM, along with SAMA and Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), organised a social media campaign demanding people's right to safe, legal and free abortion services. We believe that healthcare system provided abortion must not be compromised or denied under any circumstances.
Our comrades sent videos and messages from across the world - from Argentina, Mexico and Colombia to Morocco, Kenya, India and Nepal. The Gender Justice and Health Thematic Circle prepared posters, Tweets and other visuals along with the Communications Team to spread the message far and wide. Here are the glimpses of the campaign material.
Posters in Spanish:
Posters in French:

- Video in English featuring Carmen Baez, Regional Coordinator, Southern Cone, Latin America, PHM; Adsa Fatima, Sama and PHM's Gender Justice and Health Thematic Group; Jyotsna Singh, Communications Officer, PHM; and Deepika Joshi, Global Secretariat, PHM.
- Video in Spanish featuring Maria Alejandra Rojas, PHM-Colombia; Nina Brugo, Activist, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Jennifer Cardona Malaver, Bogota, Colombia; and Emilce Anahi Rodriguez, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Posters in English: