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PHA5 events

From Empowered Communities, a Call for Global Action on AMR

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a silent threat that causes suffering and unnecessary loss of life worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance alone kills 1.27 million people a year. If we do not act now, by 2050 the numbers could rise to ten million deaths per year.

AMR is a complex problem that affects human, animal and environmental health. It jeopardizes sustainable development and is associated with deepening poverty, inequalities and food insecurity. It is a planetary health problem that involves everyone.

In this context, ReAct Latin America will present the Global Call for Action to address AMR at the 5th World People's Health Assembly of PHM. This event is an opportunity to make visible the invisible, the silent pandemic that affects the health of rivers, seas, lakes, humans, animals, plants and ecosystems.

The Assembly is a meeting place to bring our voices together and from the communities and peoples, to call for global mobilization on the way to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024, so that our voices are heard by the representatives of the member states, and transformed into global policy.

The Empowered Communities Initiative against AMR, through ReAct, calls on all of you, academics, environmentalists, defenders of Mother Earth, dreamers, health activists, feminists, artists, representatives of indigenous peoples and nations, to be an active part of a collective action to stop AMR. Come one and all, come joyfully, to join our voices for our planet, for our health, for life and Hope.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024. 14h00 Coral Hall, Hotel Intersur 13 de Julio. Mar del Plata, Argentina

Inspirational Voices present at the launch:
Silvana Figar, a physician specializing in internal medicine, is part of the population health research area at the University Institute of the Italian Hospital, Argentina. She led the COVID-19 program in poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. During these last years he has accompanied several processes together with ReAct Latin America.
Román Vega, Colombian physician, president of the People's Health Movement (PHM). He is a tireless advocate for health equity, his work focuses on the transformation of health systems in Latin America and his commitment to primary health care.
Damián Verzeñassi, a physician and director of the Institute of Socio-environmental Health (InSSA) at the National University of Rosario, Argentina, is an advocate for public health and the collective construction of health. His work has focused on health and research programs that merge the knowledge of the university and the territory to develop public health policies.
Alexis Zapata: musician, young music teacher and director of the Ensamble del Viento at the Universidad de las Américas, UDLA, Ecuador. Among his academic and activist works are the Symphony of the Volcanoes, Suite de las Aves Quiteñas and Dancing with Bacteria. The latter tells the evolution of bacteria and their role in life, the human bacterial relationships following the discovery of antibiotics and how this led to the metaphor of war.
