The 5th People's Health Assembly in Mar del Plata is underway!
With great excitement Argentina is preparing for the 5th People's Health World Assembly. About 20 representatives of organizations, institutions and social movements from various Argentine provinces met to advance in the organization of the PHA5 to be held in Mar del Plata from April 7 to 11, 2024. In this meeting the participants sealed their political, mobilization and logistic commitment in the planning of the 5th Assembly.

Mar del Plata will be the meeting point for right to health activists, human rights activists, ethnic peoples' rights activists, health workers, right to health organizations, PHM affiliated networks, allies and member organizations, health policy makers, academics, PHM Members and individuals from around the world dreaming of new dawns in "Health for the Peoples".
This 5th Assembly is the scene of struggle, deep discussions, proposals and projections on the social determinants of health, the transformation of health systems, gender justice and health, resistance to forced migration and war, ecosystem health in food, energy and climate, and ancestral and popular knowledge and practices.
The People's Health Movement is a global movement, present in more than 70 countries, that brings together activists, movements and organizations fighting for the right to health around the world.
The movement organizes, every five years, an assembly to discuss the progress, proposals, criticisms and struggles for the right to health, the PHM chose Mar del Plata to host the 5th World Assembly for People's Health which will be attended by nearly 2000 people, including 700 from different parts of the world. This is the second time that the ASP will take place in Latin America after ASP 2 was held in Cuenca, Ecuador, in 2005.