Region: Europe
Language: English
Year: 2016
Source: material collected as part of the PHM global action-research project “The contribution of civil society organisations in achieving health for all”
Author(s): Grup-pa (PHM network in Italy)
Summary: Grup-pa is a permanently open group that undertook the action-research promoted within PHM global, to describe, analyse and strenghten the practices and impact of civil society in achieving Health for All. The group adopted decentralised coordination methods and heavily relied on participatory approaches in the data collection and analysis. 22 civil society groups and movements were contacted, mainly acting on the social determinants of health (environment, food, gender, education, arts and culture, and the health care system). The material collected has been analysed and categorised in practices/challenges of movement building. Read the full report at this link: https://gruppaphm.noblogs.org/report-di-fase-1/
For more information on this experience, please write to Chiara Bodini at [email protected].
Key practices: relationships, wellbeing, pleasure in doing things together; decision-making, structure and organisation, sustainability; networking, alliances and cooperation, resource sharing; mutual learning, knowledge generation, participatory action-research; popular education, creative and interactive training, transferable skill-building
Read the full report here (in English and Italian)